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Zonar to Assist With Technology Grants

Fleet management services provider Zonar announced a grant assistance program to help fleets identify, secure, apply for and manage grant funding to enhance the safety, performance and success of their fleets.

A New Era in Global Trade

Ongoing trade negotiations among the United States and many of its key global trading partners have ushered in a time of change and uncertainty for many international shippers.

Spending on Port Projects Rises

U.S. ports and their private sector partners have ramped up their investments in infrastructure improvements, which ultimately should help trucking companies get their drivers in and out of these complexes faster and more efficiently, industry experts said.

Map: Where They Are

View a world map that pinpoints the geographical breakdown by country for the 2019 Top 50 Global Freight Carriers.

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About M&M American

Founded in 1996 in a small office not much bigger then a 2-car garage, the company has rapidly expanded to meet all of your needs. Initially started by Marvin Groseth and Mike Burke (retired), as a freight broker, the management team was asked to provide other services such as Warehousing, Distribution, Rail, Steam Ship and LTL by its valued customers.

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  • Address: 7300 Industrial Row Drive, Mason, OH 45040

  • Phone: 513-874-3601

  • Toll-Free: 800-434-0534

  • Fax: 513-881-2427

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