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Auto Plant Shutdowns Fuel Canada Factory Sales Drop

Sales at Canadian manufacturers declined for a second straight month, partly on shutdowns at auto and steel plants. Factory sales fell 1.3% in July, Statistics Canada reported Sept. 17 from Ottawa. That far exceeded the median forecast in a Bloomberg survey of economists, which called for a 0.1% decline. In volume terms, sales dropped 1.6%.

Striking GM Workers, Union Far From Agreement

General Motors Co. and the United Auto Workers remain far apart in their talks over a new contract, according to the union’s top negotiator, making it less likely a strike called Sept. 15 will end within two days like a previous work stoppage did in 2007.

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Founded in 1996 in a small office not much bigger then a 2-car garage, the company has rapidly expanded to meet all of your needs. Initially started by Marvin Groseth and Mike Burke (retired), as a freight broker, the management team was asked to provide other services such as Warehousing, Distribution, Rail, Steam Ship and LTL by its valued customers.

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