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The Savings of Truck Safety Technology

The rising cost of maintenance for Class 8 trucks needs to be weighed against safety and operational benefits, according to a recent study by the American Transportation Research Institute.

Keeping an Eye on Truck Parts and Safety

The new year has arrived, and so has this first-quarter 2019 issue of Equipment & Maintenance Update. The two cover stories of this E&MU reflect in-depth features on timely issues and news developments that likely are to be of interest to those operating in the realm of trucking equipment and maintenance.

Fleets Eye Camera Systems to Replace Mirrors

Camera monitor systems designed to replace a truck’s conventional side mirrors are getting favor­able reviews from drivers, according to exec­utives at fleets that are testing the new technology, which also recently received a nod of approval from federal regulators.

CVSA: Mirrors Have Role in Roadside Inspections

Camera monitoring systems promise to improve highway safety by giving truck drivers better visibility around the outside of the truck, but removing the mirrors could force highway safety inspectors to change their practices, according to the executive director of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance.

Freight Railroads Record Progress on PTC Implementation, AAR Says

Large freight railroads functioned with the use of automatic braking technology for 83.2% of miles required by law, the Association of American Railroads announced Jan. 24. That proves the Class I railroads met 2018 requirements, and they are expected to finalize the implementation of positive train control technology by the final deadline of Dec. 31, 2020.

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About M&M American

Founded in 1996 in a small office not much bigger then a 2-car garage, the company has rapidly expanded to meet all of your needs. Initially started by Marvin Groseth and Mike Burke (retired), as a freight broker, the management team was asked to provide other services such as Warehousing, Distribution, Rail, Steam Ship and LTL by its valued customers.

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  • Phone: 513-874-3601

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